Thursday, September 19, 2013

Heading to Italy

From Deb Internet at all our places has been slow or non-existent, so this blog is not as informative as I'd like it to be. We had a quick trip to Morocco, came back to Spain, drove up the coast, and spent two days in Barcelona. The highlight for the boys was the Barcelona-Amsterdam soccer game, with Messi scoring a hat trick. For me it was seeing La Sagrada Familia, the church that Gaudi designed and is still being built using his plans. Plans for this church began in the late 1800s and the goal is to be finished by 2040. I was in awe when I entered the cathedral. Gaudi did a good job helping people to feel close to God here. More details and pics to come, I promise. We leave early tomorrow morning for Rome. Two weeks in Italy and then on to Prague, where Bruce's parents will be joining us. Loved Spain. Will miss it. But not the food. Wish I wasn't so afraid of the tapas.


  1. Hi Everyone;
    Sounds like you have been moving around quite a bit. Pictures have been great. Wish the food tasted better for you. Hope the weather has been good. Miss you a bunch..
    Dad, Grandpa, XOXOXOXO

  2. i loved how traveling europe forces you to slow down-- people seem to take their sweet time, there is an enjoyment in the ordinary, of food, of company, and slow internet does keep you from being unnecessarily distracted (although quite an inconvenience when you actually do need to look something up! haha) enjoy the different pace!
