Thursday, December 19, 2013


By Daniel (quotes from Fast and Furious)Mixed between 2 times we went.

  In Africa I didn't know what to expect when we were going to go-cart. But when we got there I saw the carts and they weren't just any ordinary go-carts. They looked Fast and Furious. The wheels looked really slick and had no traction. I live my life a quarter mile at a time.

We got to the go-cart warehouse, signed our name in, and tried on helmets. After a little bit the guy said on the mic "Daniel cart number 12," so I put on my helmet and got into my cart. My seat didn't have any padding and it had a crease right where my spine was, so it hurt when I leaned back.  Eventually one of the workers came to my cart and started the engine and said "go to the start!"

We went to the warehouse with my dad, his friend Rich, his two kids Blake and Skyler, my brothers Jonathan and David, and then two interns Cori and Micah.

I was trying to get the hang of my cart... Whoooooosh! Micah sped by me and got first in the start line. When everybody had got to the start the guy on the mic said "GO!" ... And everybody zoomed off. The first lap was hard because everyone was bunched up so it was hard to pass.
When we spread out I noticed that on every turn that if you turned sharp enough you drifted. I kept on drifting, but I also noticed that on every lap somebody had spun out. One time I saw Jonathan going in the wrong direction trying to turn around.

There was a long straight away, so on every lap I sped up to about  20 mph (but it seemed like 40 mph).  Right after the straight away there was a big turn so I let go of the gas and did a big drift.  "WOOHOO," I yelled! It felt like I had nitrous in my blood and a gas tank for a brain. one time blake and I were neck and neck and I went on the outside and he went on the inside but then at the last moment I turned super sharp and went on the inside because he lost control and I past him. I had a scary moment one time, I had an itch on my head and I waited for the straight away and once I got there I scratched my head.  I was going 20 mph and I forgot to turn so right when the turn came I hit the brake and turned as sharp as I could.  It was scary, but I was ok. Once the race was over (it seemed like an hour) they told us to drive off the track. I got out of cart number 12, took off my helmet and Blake gave me my score.

I got last place but that didn't matter to me because it was so fun. If you don't drift to win, what do you drift for?But on the other race we raced 3 times and I got 4th, 2nd, and 2nd again.

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