Friday, December 20, 2013

South Africa Safari pics

From Deb

We went to two places in South Africa to see the animals:  the Lion Park in Johannesburg (where you can pet lion cubs, feed giraffes, and drive into gated areas with lions roaming around) and Pilanesburg Game Reserve, about a 2 hour drive from Joburg.  Bruce, Rich Franzen, and the boys went on an early morning safari by themselves and were charged by a bull elephant.  The video below shows the fun!

At the lion park.

A goodbye kiss from a giraffe at the lion park.


Cutest baby zebra ever!

Rich's work vehicle (our family used this in Joburg)
Rich's family, our family, and a Russian missions team that were working with Impact Africa


Lion in the wild -- a rare sight


Hanging out with the Russians


Campfire and dinner out in the bush

The elephants were so close!


  1. Quite a bit beyond our Safari adventure near Seattle! (Sequim on the Olympic Peninsula?)

  2. Oh my GOSH! Awesome that you got it on video!
